“And everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved” (Joel 2:32)
Our relationship with Jehovah is spiritual (not magical): “However, there is a difference in size between the Hebrews and other peoples regarding the conception of the name of a divinity: In the peoples of antiquity, invoking the name of the God forces him to act, it is a magical conception of the name, whereas among the Hebrews the invocation of the name of God is only a supplication and not an incantation (1 Kings 8:33,34). For example, in his dialogue with Jesus, Satan quoted Psalm 91:11,12 in the sense of an obligation to God, the magical conception of prayer (analogous to the lamp of Aladdin). Jesus corrected this erroneous conception (Matthew 4: 6,7)” (“A History of the Divine Name “(page 57)).
The Bible shows that a magical conception of the Name is spiritually dangerous. Shortly before his ascension to heaven, Jesus Christ had said that his Father had transferred to him all the authority in connection to his Name: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth” (Matthew 28:18). Therefore, all Christians who sought (and even now) the help of God, should do so in the name of Christ. However, what is applicable to the Divine Name, Jehovah, also applies to the Name of Christ, Jesus (Yehoshouah): do not use it magically, wanting to force God to act (by vocalising His Name magically). Here is what happened on one occasion, written in the book of Acts (Bible):
“But some of the Jews who traveled around casting out demons also tried to use the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had wicked spirits; they would say: “I solemnly charge you by Jesus whom Paul preaches.” Now there were seven sons of a Jewish chief priest named Sceʹva doing this. But in answer the wicked spirit said to them: “I know Jesus and I am acquainted with Paul; but who are you?” At that the man with the wicked spirit leaped on them, overpowered them one after the other, and prevailed against them, so that they fled naked and wounded out of that house. This became known to all, both the Jews and the Greeks who lived in Ephʹe·sus; and fear fell upon them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus went on being magnified” (Acts 19:13–17). It is obvious that these Jews, who were doing the job of driving out demons, using the name of Jesus in a magical way, without having faith in him, were punished.
To invoke the name of Jehovah means that we must love Him (Matthew 22: 37–40), to have faith in Him, and in His Son Jesus Christ (John 3:16,36; 17: 3; Hebrews 11: 6). To invoke the Name of Jehovah through His Son Jesus Christ will enable us to survive the great tribulation and obtain the everlasting life: “This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ” (John 17:3, Revelation 7: 9–17).
(What do we to do to survive the great tribulation?)
(A great crowd from all nations, will survive the great tribulation)