“The Dream of Saddam Hussein”
To better demonstrate the very close correlation between the prophecy of Revelation on the Number 666 and the destruction of Babylon the Great, in light of the intentions of the former dictator Saddam Hussein, former president (deceased) of Iraq (Babylon), just before this war. Before 1991, the “Dream of Saddam Hussein” was to create a new Caliphate of Baghdad that he tried to symbolize by the reconstruction of Babylon (Iraq) and would federate all the Muslim Nations of the Middle East. DAESH, tried and continue, currently, to do so: “In the Iraqi propaganda, the references to the Babylonian empire, which stretched almost all the way to the Middle East, merge with those, much more numerous, relating to an another empire, that of the Abbasids prevailing in the early days of Islam, on an Arab world expanding. Recreate the power of the Caliphate of Baghdad is part of the dream of Saddam Hussein” (Translated in English from French language “Le Monde International 17/04/2003”).
However, the beginning of the fulfillment of this prophecy in Iraq, would have and currently has repercussions, throughout the Middle East and the whole world, by the various religious attacks. This article clearly shows that since the first Gulf War, there has been an accentuation of a world war under the aspect of a crusade orchestrated by the western militarized “Christian” nations, but also of the Judaic militarized Zionists, against Muslim fighters who have declared a “Jihad” or holy war against the (Western) infidels, whose main objective is to multiply the Caliphates according to their conquests. However, it was the Islamic (Shiite), Iranian revolution in 1979, at the time of the Cold War, which really sparked off the various Jihad (Sunni and Shiite) that are currently continuing. Their first objective was, to fight against the communism, particularly in Afghanistan. After 1991, after the fall of the Soviet Union, the jihads turned against the Westerners (who had armed them in Afghanistan), by territorial wars (In the Caucasus (Chechnya), the former Yugoslavia and DAESH (Syria / Iraq)), and sponsored and disseminated attacks all over the world (mainly by means of Internet social networks (sponsored by several networks of Al Qaeda around the world (with different names))).
DAESH, (ISIL (Islamic State in IRAQ and the Levant)) (an Islamic paramilitary group (Sunni), which fights the Western military powers in the Middle East), has taken over this political and religious objective of the establishment of a Caliphate with the establishment of the Sharia with a Jihad by territorial conquest: “Recreating the power of the Caliphate (Sunni)” by destroying all the borders in the Middle East, created by the Western nations, particularly by the British and French in order to unify the Arab Muslim world into a single united nation, as a Caliphate. Other paramilitary religious movements have followed suit with this Islamic group (See the Diplomatic World “The main Sunni Islamist armed groups”, Article by Cécile Marin, February 2015). The “Arab Spring” (January 2011), which is in fact an Arab “revolution” in all the states around the Mediterranean, was successfully recovered for a time by the “Muslim brothers” in Egypt. However, this government experience was cut short because of an armed coup. If Western media propaganda proclaims a territorial victory over DAESH (in Syria and Iraq), the conflict continues in other geographical locations, and through inspired or sponsored attacks on social networks.
In the context of this international politico-religious conflict, the end of the prophecy of Daniel chapter 11 and the beginning of chapter 12, indicates that it is in the Middle East that we must take a special attention of the biblical prophecies fulfillment which announce the end of this system of things by a great tribulation. We must take a special attention on present-day Israel, present-day Jerusalem, Syria / Lebanon (in the north) and Iraq / Iran, in the east (Daniel 11:44–45 at 12:1).
These three major religious branches, “militarized Christian Zionist”, “Judaic Zionist” and Muslim jihadists, who wage war and destroy each other, are “messianic”. These three worldwide religions think they have the assent of King Jesus Christ who will soon judge the humankind during the great tribulation (Matthew 25: 31–46). However, here is what is written in the Revelation: “These will battle with the Lamb, but because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those with him who are called and chosen and faithful will do so” (Revelation 17:14). The fact that they attack the unarmed and peaceful “holy ones”, is an act of war against the lamb. This attack against the holy ones is to be put into perspective with the prophecy of Gog the Magog’s attack against the people that God is currently constituting and who will come out of the great tribulation (Ezekiel 38: 1–16; Malachi 3: 16–18 (God is constituting his people); Revelation 7: 9–17 The great crowd that will survive the great tribulation).
We are currently, still in the context of the fulfillment, prophetically mentioned in the Revelation, of the worldwide destruction of Babylon the Great, to be compared with the period mentioned in Matthew 24:29. When exactly did it start? The most logical is the date of March 6, 1991, during his State of the Union Speech, presented by President Georges Bush (Father), in the form of a celebration of this victory over Iraq, the biblical symbol of the cradle of rival worship, Babylon. He inaugurated what he called the “New World Order”, which he believed to be peace and security.
March 6, 1991 represents exactly the middle of the 77th year of the reign of King Jesus Christ started on October 4/5 (15 Tishri) 1914 (Revelation 12:10). The fact that God let the nations show their wrath against the heavenly enthronement of His Son Jesus Christ for 77 years, shows that He is fully slow to anger and abundant in mercy: “Jehovah was passing before him and declaring: “Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and abundant in loyal love and truth” (Exodus 34: 6, comparing with the number of times said by Jesus Christ to forgive our neighbor: “77 times” ; Matthew 18: 22; Psalms 2) (PEACE AND SECURITY).
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Other Biblical Articles:
The current fulfillment of biblical prophecies are the sign of the proximity of the great tribulation
Jesus Christ is the King of the Kingdom of God, in heaven from 1914
According to the prophecy of Daniel chapter 4, King Jesus Christ began to reign in the midst of his enemies since 1914 (Psalms 2). He will come to judge humanity shortly before the great tribulation (Matthew 25:31–46).
The careful study of Revelation chapters 11 and 12 shows that this heavenly war took place shortly before the establishment of the Kingdom of God in heaven. The victory has been celebrated with the enthronement of King Jesus Christ.
A biblical study of Matthew chapter 24 and other parallel passages of the gospels such as Mark 13 and Luke 21, makes it possible to differentiate between the “presence” and the “coming” of Christ, and the “end” of this system of things.
The New Jerusalem is the kingdom of God (Revelation 21:2). The biblical expression “New” leads us to understand, according to what Jesus Christ said in Matthew 24:2, that the current Jerusalem will disappear at the great tribulation.
This worldwide declaration took place on March 6, 1991, by the speech on the “New World Order”. It seems to be the beginning of the time corresponding to the description of Christ, in Matthew 24:29.
The Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Ezekiel, Gog of Magog
The coalition of nations currently attacking the people of God comes from the territorial areas corresponding to “Japheth”, Russia, China some Asian countries, as well as “Cham”, corresponding to some African countries where Christians suffer from severe persecution.
The Prophecy of Daniel of the Two Kings
The Study of the Prophecy of Daniel chapters 11 and 12, about the outcome of the conflict between the king of the north and the king of the south, provides a better understanding of the dramatic events that are currently taking place in the Middle East.
It is at the same time a “political” and a “religious” worldwide kingdom, because it symbolizes the human sovereignty which challenged the sovereignty of God on earth.
It is the “end” and the definitive destruction of the present system of things, according to Matthew 24:21 and Daniel 12:1.
According to the prophecy of Zechariah 14, that the great tribulation will last only one day, in Ethanim, 10 (Tishri) (Jewish Biblical Calendar (September/October)) (Revelation 11:19).
The great tribulation will also be the beginning of a planetary jubilee, Ethanim, 10 (Tishri).
According to the Prophecy of Daniel 8:23–25, there is the description of the last king (his face and behavior), in the time just before the Great Tribulation.
Jehovah God will protect His People, the Great Crowd that will come out of the Great Tribulation (Revelation 7:9–17).