Qualquer inexperiente põe fé em cada palavra (Provérbios 14:15)

Yomelijah Yomelijah
5 min readSep 18, 2024


Provérbios capítulo 14:

“The truly wise woman has built up her house, but the foolish one tears it down with her own hands.

2 The one walking in his uprightness is fearing Jehovah, but the one crooked in his ways is despising Him.

3 The rod of haughtiness is in the mouth of the foolish one, but the very lips of the wise ones will guard them.

4 Where there are no cattle the manger is clean, but the crop is abundant because of the power of a bull.

5 A faithful witness is one that will not lie, but a false witness launches forth mere lies.

6 The ridiculer has sought to find wisdom, and there is none; but to the understanding one knowledge is an easy thing.

7 Go away from in front of the stupid man, for you will certainly not take note of the lips of knowledge.

8 The wisdom of the shrewd is to understand his way, but the foolishness of stupid ones is deception.

9 Foolish are those who make a derision of guilt, but among the upright ones there is agreement.

10 The heart is aware of the bitterness of one’s soul, and with its rejoicing no stranger will intermeddle.

11 The house of wicked people will be annihilated, but the tent of the upright ones will flourish.

12 There exists a way that is upright before a man, but the ways of death are the end of it afterward.

13 Even in laughter the heart may be in pain; and grief is what rejoicing ends up in.

14 The one faithless at heart will be satisfied with the results of his own ways, but the good man with the results of his dealings.

15 Anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps.

16 The wise one fears and is turning away from badness, but the stupid is becoming furious and self-confident.

17 He that is quick to anger will commit foolishness, but the man of thinking abilities is hated.

18 The inexperienced ones will certainly take possession of foolishness, but the shrewd ones will bear knowledge as a headdress.

19 Bad people will have to bow down before the good ones, and the wicked people at the gates of the righteous one.

20 Even to his fellowman one who is of little means is an object of hatred, but many are the friends of the rich person.

21 The one despising his own fellowman is sinning, but happy is he who is showing favor to the afflicted ones.

22 Will not those devising mischief go wandering about? But there are loving-kindness and trueness as regards those devising good.

23 By every kind of toil there comes to be an advantage, but merely the word of the lips [tends] to want.

24 The crown of the wise is their riches; the foolishness of the stupid ones is foolishness.

25 A true witness is delivering souls, but a deceitful one launches forth mere lies.

26 In the fear of Jehovah there is strong confidence, and for his sons there will come to be a refuge.

27 The fear of Jehovah is a well of life, to turn away from the snares of death.

28 In the multitude of people there is an adornment of a king, but in the lack of population is the ruin of a high official.

29 He that is slow to anger is abundant in discernment, but one that is impatient is exalting foolishness.

30 A calm heart is the life of the fleshly organism, but jealousy is rottenness to the bones.

31 He that is defrauding the lowly one has reproached his Maker, but the one showing favor to the poor one is glorifying Him.

32 Because of his badness the wicked will be pushed down, but the righteous will be finding refuge in his integrity.

33 In the heart of the understanding one there rests wisdom, and in the midst of stupid ones it becomes known.

34 Righteousness is what exalts a nation, but sin is something disgraceful to national groups.

35 The pleasure of a king is in the servant who is acting with insight, but his fury comes to be toward one acting shamefully” (Provérbios capítulo 14).

“A mulher realmente sábia edificou a sua casa, mas a tola a derruba com as suas próprias mãos” (versículo 1).

“Tolos são os que caçoam da culpa, mas há acordo entre os retos” (versículo 9).

“Qualquer inexperiente põe fé em cada palavra, mas o argucioso considera os seus passos” (versículo 15). É um incentivo para verificar as informações que recebemos e analisá-las para ver se são confiáveis. É importante ter um espírito crítico, ou seja, dar um passo atrás para melhor examinar os contornos e ter uma visão global, por exemplo as razões pelas quais nos deram esta informação (verdadeira ou falsa)…

“Quem prontamente se irar cometerá tolice, mas o homem de raciocínios é odiado” (versículo 17).

“Aquele que é de poucos meios é objeto de ódio mesmo para o seu próximo, porém, muitos são os amigos do rico” (versículo 20).

“Quem é vagaroso em irar-se é abundante em discernimento, mas aquele que é impaciente exalta a tolice” (versículo 29).

“O coração calmo é a vida do organismo carnal, mas o ciúme é podridão para os ossos” (versículo 30).

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Yomelijah Yomelijah
Yomelijah Yomelijah

Written by Yomelijah Yomelijah

“But as these things start to occur, stand up straight and lift up your heads, because your deliverance is getting near” (Luke 21:28) http://yomelyah.com/

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