The prophecy of Daniel announced, 200 years before his advent, the reign of Alexander the Great
“Then the male goat exalted itself exceedingly, but as soon as it became mighty, the great horn was broken; then four conspicuous horns came up instead of the one, toward the four winds of the heavens. (…) The hairy male goat stands for the king of Greece; and the great horn that was between its eyes stands for the first king. As for the horn that was broken, so that four stood up instead of it, there are four kingdoms from his nation that will stand up, but not with his power” (Daniel 8:8,21,22)
The writing of the book of Daniel was completed around 536 BCE. Alexander the Great was born in 356 BCE. In 336 BCE, he began his reign. He died very young, in 323 BCE: “the great horn was broken”. The prophecy suggests that none of his sons would inherit his kingdom. He had two sons: Alexandre Aigos and Héraclès. The two sons were murdered and therefore did not succeed their father. According to the prophecy, after the death of Alexander the great, the whole of the territories conquered by him were divided into four, between 4 of his generals: Seleucus Nicator taking Mesopotamia and Syria; Cassander, Macedonia and Greece; Ptolemy Lagus, Egypt and Palestine; and Lysimachus, Thrace and Asia Minor: “As for the horn that was broken, so that four stood up instead of it, there are four kingdoms from his nation that will stand up, but not with his power”.
The particularity of the prophecy of Daniel chapter 8 is that it describes the succession of world powers by designating two kings who have marked the History: Two hundred years before his advent, it announced the arrival of Alexander the Great, who Hellenized the world (8: 8,21). And this Hellenization has an impact until today by what is designated (by historians) as late antiquity “Greco-Roman”. This same prophecy announced (indirectly) that none of the sons of Alexander the Great would inherit his kingdom, but would be divided in four parts (Daniel 8:8,22). And indeed, after the premature death at 32 years (broken horn) of Alexander the Great, the kingdom has been divided among four of his generals. However, the particularity of the prophecy of Daniel chapter 8, is that it describes the face and the general behavior of the last king of the last world power, coming from this Hellenistic world power, who will face the Heavenly King Jeus Christ during the Great Tribulation to come.
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The current fulfillment of biblical prophecies are the sign of the proximity of the great tribulation
Jesus Christ is the King of the Kingdom of God, in heaven from 1914
According to the prophecy of Daniel chapter 4, King Jesus Christ began to reign in the midst of his enemies since 1914 (Psalms 2). He will come to judge humanity shortly before the great tribulation (Matthew 25:31–46).
The careful study of Revelation chapters 11 and 12 shows that this heavenly war took place shortly before the establishment of the Kingdom of God in heaven. The victory has been celebrated with the enthronement of King Jesus Christ.
A biblical study of Matthew chapter 24 and other parallel passages of the gospels such as Mark 13 and Luke 21, makes it possible to differentiate between the “presence” and the “coming” of Christ, and the “end” of this system of things.
The New Jerusalem is the kingdom of God (Revelation 21:2). The biblical expression “New” leads us to understand, according to what Jesus Christ said in Matthew 24:2, that the current Jerusalem will disappear at the great tribulation.
This worldwide declaration took place on March 6, 1991, by the speech on the “New World Order”. It seems to be the beginning of the time corresponding to the description of Christ, in Matthew 24:29.
The Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Ezekiel, Gog of Magog
The coalition of nations currently attacking the people of God comes from the territorial areas corresponding to “Japheth”, Russia, China some Asian countries, as well as “Cham”, corresponding to some African countries where Christians suffer from severe persecution.
The Prophecy of Daniel of the Two Kings
The Study of the Prophecy of Daniel chapters 11 and 12, about the outcome of the conflict between the king of the north and the king of the south, provides a better understanding of the dramatic events that are currently taking place in the Middle East.
It is at the same time a “political” and a “religious” worldwide kingdom, because it symbolizes the human sovereignty which challenged the sovereignty of God on earth.
It is the “end” and the definitive destruction of the present system of things, according to Matthew 24:21 and Daniel 12:1.
According to the prophecy of Zechariah 14, that the great tribulation will last only one day, in Ethanim, 10 (Tishri) (Jewish Biblical Calendar (September/October)) (Revelation 11:19).
The great tribulation will also be the beginning of a planetary jubilee, Ethanim, 10 (Tishri).
According to the Prophecy of Daniel 8:23–25, there is the description of the last king (his face and behavior), in the time just before the Great Tribulation.
Jehovah God will protect His People, the Great Crowd that will come out of the Great Tribulation (Revelation 7:9–17).