The woman and the ephah
“And I saw that the round lid of lead was lifted up, and there was a woman sitting inside the container. 8 So he said: “This is Wickedness.” Then he threw her back into the eʹphah container, after which he thrust the lead weight over its mouth” (Zechariah 5:7,8)
The ephah is a unit of measurement for quantifying flour or cereals. Obviously, in the enigma, the woman is inside the container made to measure the quantity of flour, with a lead cover on her, in order to be sent directly to Shinar, in Babylon. And it seems, so that she does not come back, they build a house for her, so that she stays there. Moreover, this woman is called “wickedness”, why?
The symbol of the woman could be explained by the kind of worship, namely to a female deity. This woman could represent this deity, the “Queen of Heaven”. In fact, the Israelite women who had fallen into apostasy, made bread for this “Queen of Heaven”: “The sons are gathering wood, the fathers are lighting the fire, and the wives are kneading dough in order to make sacrificial cakes to the Queen of Heaven, and they are pouring out drink offerings to other gods to offend me” (Jeremiah 7:18). By the time of Israel’s biblical history, before the Babylonian exile, the nation had fallen into apostasy. The woman and the ephah, is the illustration of this situation in making sacrificial cakes for the “Queen of Heaven”. The fact that a lead cover was put on the ephah and the woman was sent to Shinar (the place where Babylon was, the origin of the false worship), shows that henceforth, Jehovah God would no longer tolerate impregnation. of true worship, through false Babylonian worship, He would send it to Shinar, to stay there (Zechariah 5:9–11).
The “two women with stork wings”, who bring “the woman and the ephah”, seem to illustrate this principle written in Revelation 22:11: “He that is doing unrighteousness, let him do unrighteousness still; and let the filthy one be made filthy still; but let the righteous one do righteousness still, and let the holy one be made holy still”. The image could be sarcastic towards this deity, of which female angels in her service, with wings of a stork, an unclean animal, would bring her to where she must be, in Babylon, by building her a house, or a temple to stay there forever (Leviticus 11:19).
The current Christian teachers must remove from their teaching, those with Babylonian and Greco-Roman origin, which are the trinity, the immortality of the soul, fiery hell, purgatory, the worship of saints, the worship of the cross and rid Christian congregations of all pagan representations… According to Zechariah’s prophecy, not doing this will be considered an act of “wickedness” (Zechariah 5:8; 10:1–3; 13:1–3): “Therefore, if someone knows how to do what is right and yet does not do it, it is a sin for him” (James 4:17).
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