The symbolism of the numbers in the Bible (Part 2)
The number 2 or the repetition twice, symbolizes the certainty of a prophetic declaration, the assured fulfillment of a future event: “And the fact that the dream was repeated to Pharʹaoh twice means that the thing is firmly established on the part of the true God, and the true God is speeding to do it” (Genesis 41:32).
The number 2, connected with the number 1, symbolizes the plural in general: “where she is to be fed for a time and times and half a time” (Revelation 12:14 (a (1) time, times = 2 times, and half a time, that are 3 times and a half (compare with Daniel 12:7 (a parallel prophecy)).
The number 2, connected with the number 3, symbolizes the insistence in action: “Indeed, God does all these things Twice, three times, for a man” (Job 33:29).
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